The Goddess Collective

About TGC

what we stand for
The Goddess Collective

At TGC, we aim to create a safe, inclusive lifestyle brand that serves a higher purpose. We are a modern wellness space that welcomes everyone, modernizing the narrative of spirituality. Our vision is to empower people to accept themselves and continue to evolve. TGC is a thriving community and voice for an awakened generation, encouraging conscious living.

Carefully selected products

Our team has meticulously curated a collection of natural products from trusted and regulated sources and companies. These products have been meticulously designed to provide comprehensive daily support, promoting a well-balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. From grounding your energy in stressful situations to hugging you whenever you need it to boosting your daily productivity, our natural products are here to help you meet your unique needs and goals.

Discover and get inspired

be inspired by our community, events, workshops and much more. Unleash the god, goddess or enlightened being within you.

A touch of magic

become part of our world, which will give you a touch of magic in your everyday life.

The Goddess Collective
Carefully selected products
Discover and get inspired
A touch of magic

as featured in

about TGC

An all-natural connection

The Goddess Collective is an inclusive community that draws inspiration from Mother Nature for all its products.

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Beltaine, origin and meaning
29 Apr, 2024
Beltane or Beltaine is an ancient Gaelic pagan festival that is celebrated between April 30th and May 1st. It marks the start of the warm season and the emergence of bright days that replace winter's darkness and frost. Beltane is a time of nature's reawakening, and it should be celebrated with joy and lightness. What is the spiritual significance of Beltane? And how is it celebrated today? Let's explore together!
It's all about the unseen: Your guide after an eclipse (and all the rest...)
10 Apr, 2024
Solar eclipse, New Moon, Mercury retrograde, but also earthquakes, and more. In this mini-guide, we explain what is happening and what to look out for in this period that is all about the 'unseen'.
Have you already hugged yourself today?
14 Jan, 2024
In our lives, attention and external validation have a big impact. But we often forget to look within. Why not show ourselves the love, compassion, and strength we need? Let's hug ourselves!